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Well, let me put the question differently. Would you like to be treated as a grown-up, i.e. as someone who can be given stimulating, challenging and complex knowledge instead of random strings of data to memorize?

Our method presupposes always that the student is perfectly able not only to understand, but also to research for him or herself all the historical and linguistic explanations that enliven our approach to advanced English vocabulary: our task is simply to simplify the work of any student wishing to learn such things by providing him or her with an appropriate choice of material already arranged as an organic whole.

Since our target is teaching advanced English vocabulary (moreover, such basic vocabulary is vital to our method: See the section on theory (link)), a basic level of English vocabulary; the sort of English most people get to study during high school is our only desideratum. For the rest, our wish from students is that they be curious, eager to know and to think and, why not, critical and even skeptical, willing to engage in debate and to tackle problems in a scientific, scholarly and yet spontaneous manner.